關鍵詞: 神經網絡 ; 模糊控制 ; 火災報警
Intelligent Fire Report and Control System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Abstract: an intelligent fire report and control system based on fuzzy neural network is introduced, it increased the accuracy, the same time it reduced the misinformation rate in the biggest limit in the system, and resolve the problem which have exited in the fire alert system for a long time. Joined together with the Neural network that have the function of self-study, increased the intelligence of the system, and is a modern intelligence control theories apply in the fire fight automation system.
Key words: neural network ; fuzzy control ;fire report
關鍵詞: 神經網絡 ; 模糊控制 ; 火災報警
Intelligent Fire Report and Control System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Abstract: an intelligent fire report and control system based on fuzzy neural network is introduced, it increased the accuracy, the same time it reduced the misinformation rate in the biggest limit in the system, and resolve the problem which have exited in the fire alert system for a long time. Joined together with the Neural network that have the function of self-study, increased the intelligence of the system, and is a modern intelligence control theories apply in the fire fight automation system.
Key words: neural network ; fuzzy control ;fire report
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