如果不加這個約束,執行implement的時候往往就會報error或者critical warning、內容中也會提到加上這個約束的話、就會將嚴重警告或者錯誤降級為普通warning,但是一直沒搞明白這到底是怎么回事,所以這兩天翻閱文檔和論壇,算是弄清了個大概。
原來FPGA的管腳上有一類專用的時鐘管腳、他們一般用于將外部的時鐘信號引入FPGA、并在FPGA module中使用這些引入的時鐘信號。但是如果設計時管腳分配沒做好、或者管腳不夠用了,那么就有可能將本該接入專用時鐘管腳(或者叫做全局時鐘管腳)的信號,接到了普通IO口上,這樣只能通過添加CLOCK_DEDICETED_ROUTE FLASE繞過PAR的檢查,但是沒有解決根本問題。
在日常接觸較多的Xilinx 7系列FPGA芯片上,Xilinx論壇上的工作人員對于這一點是這樣解釋的:
If you are bringing the the clock onto the device then you need to use the CCIO (Clock capable inputs) . Every 7 series FPGA has four clock-capable inputs in each bank. Two of the four are Multi-Region Clock Capable (MRCC) and the other two are Single Region Clock Capable (SRCC). These inputs are regular I/O pins with dedicated connections to internal clock resources.
關于這二者的區別,在xilinx forum的https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Processor-System-Design/MRCC-or-SRCC/m-p/787546
The clock capable pins in a 7 series FPGA serve two purposes; access to the local clocking resources and access to the global clocking resources.
If you are using the global clocking resources (BUFG, BUFH, MMCM, PLL) then the MRCC and SRCC have exactly the same capability - there is no difference between the two.
If you are using the local clocking resources (BUFR and BUFIO), then then the SRCC and MRCC can both only drive only the BUFIO and BUFR located in the same clock region. The BUFIO can then only drive the IOB flip-flops and high speed clock of the ISERDES in the same I/O bank and the BUFR can clock all the logic (except the high speed clock of the ISERDES) in the same clock region.
The only difference between the SRCC and MRCC is that the MRCC can also drive the BUFMR. The BUFMR can then drive the BUFIO/BUFR in the same clock region as well as in the clock regions above and below the MRCC. This would generally be used for "ChipSync" (source synchronous) interfaces that need to use more pins than are available in one I/O bank.
MRCCs can access multiple clock regions and the global clock tree. MRCCs function the same as SRCCs and can additionally drive multi-clock region buffers (BUFMR) to access up to three clock regions.
if you are forwarding clock out from the device, then you can use any regular IOs,? I.e
Clock path is
Clock you want to forward -> ODDR -> OBUFDS ->Routed to any regular differential pair .
Clock Forwarding
Output DDR can forward a copy of the clock to the output. This is useful for propagating
a clock and DDR data with identical delays, and for multiple clock generation, where every
clock load has a unique clock driver. This is accomplished by tying the D1 input of the
ODDR primitive High, and the D2 input Low. Xilinx recommends using this scheme to
forward clocks from the FPGA logic to the output pins.
此外,在UG472的table2-1中,對不同應用場合下、時鐘輸入之后的各類BUF的連接方式進行了說明,包括各種常見的clk buffer:
clock management tiles (CMT)
Global clock buffers (BUFGCTRL, simplified as BUFG throughout this user guide).BUFGs do not belong to a clock region and can reach any clocking point on the device.?
horizontal clock buffer (BUFH/BUFHCE)?
clock enable circuit (BUFHCE)?
I/O clock buffer (BUFIO)?
regional clock buffer (BUFR)?
multi-clock region buffers (BUFMR)
這篇博文是2012年的,距離現在已經略久遠,所以關于BUFG的延時數據、在現在看起來有點不可思議、直覺上覺得太大了點、盡管作者的這個10ns的數據包含了從pad-IBUFG(可能是IBUFG,也可能是其他)-BUFG的整個延時。查閱現在使用的xilinx 7 系列FPGA芯片的ds181手冊、在Clock Buffers and Networks一小節的內容中找到了BUFG的delay,如下圖所示:
對應現在使用的7series FPGA中、也就是時鐘BUFG+MMCM來實現時鐘的相位調整。
關于DCM,MMCM和PLL的發展歷史和區別,除了參閱UG472之外、在xilinx forum的回答下https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Welcome-Join/DCM-MMCM-and-PLL/m-p/654372有詳細說明:
The DCM is a Digital Clock Manager - at its heart it is a Delay Locked Loop. This has the ability to deskew a clock, generate different phases of the clock, dynamically change the phase of a clock, generate related (2x) clocks, do clock division, and even generate clocks with harmonic relationships to the incoming clock. It was the only clock management block that existed in older technologies (up to Spartan-3 and Virtex-4).
In Virtex-5 and Spartan-6 the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) was introduced along with the DCM. The PLL is an analog clock management cell that can do almost everything the DCM can do with the exception of dynamic and fine phase shifting. However, it can do more precise frequency generation and can generate multiple different frequencies at the same time. It also has significantly better jitter performance than the DCM - particularly when doing frequency synthesis with large multipliers/dividers.
In Virtex-6 the MMCM - Mixed Mode Clock Manager - was introduced. This is a PLL with some small part of a DCM tacked on to do fine phase shifting (that's why its mixed mode - the PLL is analog, but the phase shift is digital). Thus the MMCM can do everything the PLL can do plus the phase shifting from the DCM. The V6 only had MMCMs.
In the 7 series, they have a combination of PLLs and MMCMs. Mostly this is so that there are more cells available for use (the PLLs are smaller, so they take less room on the FPGA die). Furthermore the PLLs are tightly bound to the I/O structures that are used for DDRx-SDRAM memory controllers (via the MIG).
As for the number of them, that is determined by the size of the device. Look at the Product Table for the device you are using - it will tell you what is in the CMT (Clock Management Tile) and how many of them are available in your device.