二次時頻分布(TFD)是一種常用的非平穩信號分析方法,以最常用的Wigner-Ville 分布(WVD)為例,分析了離散時頻分布算法實現,針對該算法的復雜性和計算量大的特點,實現了離散信號時頻分布的并行算法,通過采用緩沖池和計算結果的壓縮傳輸,同時減小了并行計算中傳輸數據總量和傳輸次數,將通信開銷從O(N2 )降低到O(N),解決了并行時頻分布計算中數據傳輸“瓶頸”問題。
Abstract: Quadratic Time-Frequency Distribution (TFD) is common analysis method for non-stationary signal. Discrete TFD is analyzed in the example of Wigner-Ville Distribution. In view of the complexity and calculation amount of TFD algorithm, parallel WVD algorithm is realized. The buffer-pool and compressing data translation are used to decrease quantity and times of data translation. Communication spending is decreased from O(N2 ) toO(N) . The bottle-neck problem of data translation is settled by the method.
Keywords:Parallel algorithm, Time-frequency distribution, memory manage,
Abstract: Quadratic Time-Frequency Distribution (TFD) is common analysis method for non-stationary signal. Discrete TFD is analyzed in the example of Wigner-Ville Distribution. In view of the complexity and calculation amount of TFD algorithm, parallel WVD algorithm is realized. The buffer-pool and compressing data translation are used to decrease quantity and times of data translation. Communication spending is decreased from O(N2 ) toO(N) . The bottle-neck problem of data translation is settled by the method.
Keywords:Parallel algorithm, Time-frequency distribution, memory manage,
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