
ADALM2000 Overview
The ADALM2000 (M2K) Active Learning Module is an affordable USB-powered data acquisition module that takes the capabilities of the ADALM1000 (M1K) Active Learning Module to the next level. With 12-bit ADCs and DACs running at 100 MSPS, the ADALM2000 brings the power of high performance lab equipment to the palm of your hand, enabling electrical engineering students and hobbyists to explore signals and systems into the tens of MHz without the cost and bulk associated with traditional lab gear. The ADALM2000, when coupled with Analog Devices' Scopy? graphical application software running on a computer, provides the user with the following high performance instrumentation:
- Two-channel oscilloscope with differential inputs
- Two-channel arbitrary function generator
- 16-channel digital logic analyzer (3.3V CMOS and 1.8V or 5V tolerant, 100MS/s)
- 16-channel pattern generator (3.3V CMOS, 100MS/s)
- 16-channel virtual digital I/O
- Two input/output digital trigger signals for linking multiple instruments (3.3V CMOS)
- Two-channel voltmeter (AC, DC, ±25V)
- Network analyzer – Bode, Nyquist, Nichols transfer diagrams of a circuit. Range: 1Hz to 10MHz
- Spectrum Analyzer – power spectrum and spectral measurements (noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD, etc.)
- Two programmable power supplies (0…+5V , 0…-5V)
ADALM2000 is a portable lab. It's more than the combinations of a few parts, but to understand the capabilities of the unit, you must understand the fundamental operation of each part inside the unit. Depending on who you are, and what you want to do, you may have different needs, and different wants. It's expected that many people will stop when they solve their immediate problem and don't want to go any deeper into the stack. There are 3 main categories of users:
- Everyone should read this section, as it describes the device, and describes how to get the drivers and host software installed properly.
- ADALM2000 Application Developers:
- Want to write their application interface for the ADALM2000 to run on the PC, but do not need to modify the ADALM2000 firmware or need to know the details on the ADALM2000's inner workings
- Use scopy's scripting ability. Write scripts in javascript and then call scopy via the command line.
- normally write custom software or HDL (for the FPGA) that run directly on the ADALM2000 device. This may put the ADALM2000 in different modes, and support different external USB devices (including LAN (via USB), or WiFi (vs USB)), extending the capabilities of the device. This includes all the information to compile HDL projects, compile kernels, change to custom USB PID/VID and/or run custom user space applications.
It's expected that most people will work their way down through each section, reading and skimming most of the content. The content is in a constant state of improvement, so if you do have a question, please ask at EngineerZone, or check the help and support page.
All the products described on this page include ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive devices. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily accumulate on the human body or test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the boards feature ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high-energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. This includes removing static charge on external equipment, cables, or antennas before connecting to the device.
- 物聯網工程概述課件下載 0次下載
- UMTS網絡概述課件下載 1次下載
- ADALM SDR主動學習模塊 8次下載
- ADALM-PLUTO主動學習模塊的使用手冊 36次下載
- 圖片:TARA2000-AUT_IM000430_1-00.jpg
- 終止通知:TARA2000_EN000194_1-00.pdf
- RoHS認證:CMV2000_RC000222_1-00.pdf
- 概況:EGA2000_Factsheet_FS001002_1-00.pdf
- 終止通知:CMV2000_EN000212_1-00.pdf
- 圖片:EGA2000_TARA2000-AUT_IM000432.jpg
- 圖片:CMV2000_IM000323_1-00.JPG
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- ADALM2000實驗:硅控整流器 636次閱讀
- ADALM2000實驗:CMOS邏輯電路、D型鎖存器 744次閱讀
- ADALM2000實驗:生成負基準電壓 559次閱讀
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- ADALM2000實驗:可調外部觸發電路 778次閱讀
- ADALM2000實驗:有源整流器 608次閱讀
- 探討數模轉換的概念 621次閱讀
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