為了采用圖像處理與模式識別的方法對鋁合金的焊接質量進行智能控制, 必須獲取鋁合
金焊接熔池的清晰圖像, 然后提取焊接熔池的信息. 在對鋁合金焊接光譜分析的基礎上, 以焊接電弧光中的連續光譜作為光源, 采用寬帶濾波方法設計的全新的光學圖像傳感器, 利用普通工業CCD 攝像機獲得了畫面清晰、質量穩定的鋁合金焊接熔池區域圖像. 針對所獲得的鋁合金焊接熔池圖像中干擾分配的不均衡性, 采用新型分區濾波圖像預處理算法, 得到了鋁合金焊接熔池的理想特征參數. 該算法具有抗干擾強、速度快的特點, 對提高鋁合金的焊接質量具有重要意義.
關鍵詞: 鋁合金; 交流鎢極氬弧焊; 光譜分析; 圖像傳感
Abs tra c t: In o rder to con t ro l the quality of w elding by im age p rocessing and pat tern recogn it ion, the clear im age of the w elding poo l of alum inum alloy and the info rm at ion of the w elding poo lm u st be ob tained. A comp letely new op t ical sen so r is designed by the analysis to the ligh t spect rum of w elding of alum inum al2 loy w h ich is on the b road band f iltering and the w elding arc ligh t is u sed as resou rce du ring the wo rk. It great ly reduces the no ise f rom the discon t inuou s spect rum in the arc and adap t s to the seriou sly f luctuat ing w elding cu rren t du ring the p rocess and ob tain s the clear im ages of the w elding poo l u sing common indu st ri2 al CCD cam era. In view of these th ings that no ise dist ribu t ion is no t even in the alum inum alloy’s w elding poo l im age, a p ret reatm en t arithm et ic nam ed subarea2f ilter is app lied in the im ages p roceeding. W ith the new algo rithm , the desirab le characterist ic param eters of the w elding poo l of alum inum alloy’s AC tung2
sten inert gasesw elding are ob tained. The arithm et ic’s an t i2in terference ab ility is h igh and operat ion speed is qu ick.
Ke y w o rds: alum inum alloy; AC tungsten inert gases w elding; spect ral analysis; im age sen sing
金焊接熔池的清晰圖像, 然后提取焊接熔池的信息. 在對鋁合金焊接光譜分析的基礎上, 以焊接電弧光中的連續光譜作為光源, 采用寬帶濾波方法設計的全新的光學圖像傳感器, 利用普通工業CCD 攝像機獲得了畫面清晰、質量穩定的鋁合金焊接熔池區域圖像. 針對所獲得的鋁合金焊接熔池圖像中干擾分配的不均衡性, 采用新型分區濾波圖像預處理算法, 得到了鋁合金焊接熔池的理想特征參數. 該算法具有抗干擾強、速度快的特點, 對提高鋁合金的焊接質量具有重要意義.
關鍵詞: 鋁合金; 交流鎢極氬弧焊; 光譜分析; 圖像傳感
Abs tra c t: In o rder to con t ro l the quality of w elding by im age p rocessing and pat tern recogn it ion, the clear im age of the w elding poo l of alum inum alloy and the info rm at ion of the w elding poo lm u st be ob tained. A comp letely new op t ical sen so r is designed by the analysis to the ligh t spect rum of w elding of alum inum al2 loy w h ich is on the b road band f iltering and the w elding arc ligh t is u sed as resou rce du ring the wo rk. It great ly reduces the no ise f rom the discon t inuou s spect rum in the arc and adap t s to the seriou sly f luctuat ing w elding cu rren t du ring the p rocess and ob tain s the clear im ages of the w elding poo l u sing common indu st ri2 al CCD cam era. In view of these th ings that no ise dist ribu t ion is no t even in the alum inum alloy’s w elding poo l im age, a p ret reatm en t arithm et ic nam ed subarea2f ilter is app lied in the im ages p roceeding. W ith the new algo rithm , the desirab le characterist ic param eters of the w elding poo l of alum inum alloy’s AC tung2
sten inert gasesw elding are ob tained. The arithm et ic’s an t i2in terference ab ility is h igh and operat ion speed is qu ick.
Ke y w o rds: alum inum alloy; AC tungsten inert gases w elding; spect ral analysis; im age sen sing
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