關鍵詞:兩層次 投影矩陣 數據校 正過 失誤差 偵破
Abstract: In process of chemical production, it is significant to develop error detection of measured data and research on calibration method.
Aiming at stable state data correction in process of 1-carbon,場using residual detection method, the data was coordinated, the unpremeditated
errors were recognized and detected; the data sorting was implemented through two-level transformation method; thus the unusual matrix in previous
algorithms was eliminated. After correction, the variables met the demands of balance between materials and elements. According to the
results of error correction, the reference is provided for fixing the faults of instruments, and the productive efficiency is enhanced場data correction.
Keywords:T wol evelp rojectivem atrix Datac orrection Unpremeditatede rrord etection
關鍵詞:兩層次 投影矩陣 數據校 正過 失誤差 偵破
Abstract: In process of chemical production, it is significant to develop error detection of measured data and research on calibration method.
Aiming at stable state data correction in process of 1-carbon,場using residual detection method, the data was coordinated, the unpremeditated
errors were recognized and detected; the data sorting was implemented through two-level transformation method; thus the unusual matrix in previous
algorithms was eliminated. After correction, the variables met the demands of balance between materials and elements. According to the
results of error correction, the reference is provided for fixing the faults of instruments, and the productive efficiency is enhanced場data correction.
Keywords:T wol evelp rojectivem atrix Datac orrection Unpremeditatede rrord etection
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