關鍵詞 入侵檢測安全掃描漏洞數據庫警報過濾 降低誤報率
Abstract:One problem is the fact that intrusion detection systems are often run without any (orvery limited) information of the network resources that they protect.Althorugh tuning and proper configuration may eliminate the most obvious spurious alerts,the problem of the vast imbalance between actual and false alerts remains. This paper proposes an alert filtering scheme to reduce the false rate of intrusion detection systems.With the security scan system the scheme sets up a hole database of the protected network,against which a preliminarily recognized attack threat can be verified in determining if the attack may really succeed before it is reported.Expreiment result shows with the filtering scheme the false rate of intrusion detection systems obviously reduced.
Keywords: intrusion detection,security scan,hole database,alert filtering,false alert reduction
關鍵詞 入侵檢測安全掃描漏洞數據庫警報過濾 降低誤報率
Abstract:One problem is the fact that intrusion detection systems are often run without any (orvery limited) information of the network resources that they protect.Althorugh tuning and proper configuration may eliminate the most obvious spurious alerts,the problem of the vast imbalance between actual and false alerts remains. This paper proposes an alert filtering scheme to reduce the false rate of intrusion detection systems.With the security scan system the scheme sets up a hole database of the protected network,against which a preliminarily recognized attack threat can be verified in determining if the attack may really succeed before it is reported.Expreiment result shows with the filtering scheme the false rate of intrusion detection systems obviously reduced.
Keywords: intrusion detection,security scan,hole database,alert filtering,false alert reduction
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