MAX9943, MAX9944 高壓、高精度、低功耗運算放大器
The MAX9943/MAX9944 is a family of high-voltage amplifiers that offers precision, low drift, and low power consumption.
The MAX9943 (single) and MAX9944 (dual) op amps offer 2.4MHz of gain-bandwidth product with only 550µA of supply current per amplifier.
The MAX9943/MAX9944 family has a wide power supply range operating from ±3V to ±19V dual supplies or a 6V to 38V single supply.
The MAX9943/MAX9944 are ideal for sensor signal conditioning, high-performance industrial instrumentation and loop-powered systems (e.g., 4mA–20mA transmitters).
The MAX9943 is offered in a space-saving 6-pin TDFN or 8-pin µMAX® package. The MAX9944 is offered in an 8-pin SO or an 8-pin TDFN package. These devices are specified over the -40°C to +125°C automotive temperature range.
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- [測量儀表] 判別運算放大器好壞的簡易電路 2009-04-21
- [電子技術] MAX9597 業內首款集成3.3V、單SCART方案,用于 2009-01-22
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- 怎樣使用運算放大器6330
- 運算放大器資料全集2660
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- AD421中文資料 (數模轉換器)2041
- LM358 雙運算放大器電路的典型應用1648
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- 集成運算放大器及其基本應用993