2018-09-11 10:52:48
2023-12-22 07:42:34
* Default AD9963 configuration
2023-12-22 06:52:41
2023-12-12 07:11:47
您好,我在研發過程中,使用AD9963芯片,在XILINX的EDK開發工具中利用SDK對其進行配置,配置情況如下:* Default AD9963 configuration
2019-03-07 08:18:01
在我使用AD9963-EBZ開發板通過USB連接線與PC進行連接后,DPG Downloader軟件中顯示“No Device Found”,這是什么原因?而在AD9963-SPI軟件中已經可以通過USB連接線對AD9963進行配置了,且我的操作步驟是嚴格按照start guide進行的。謝謝。
2019-01-09 11:16:21
AD9963-EBZ,評估板設計用于DPG2或DPGI / O,用于傳輸到其雙DAC,以及DPGI / O,用于接收雙通道ADC。該電路板可以快速評估幾乎所有AD9963的功能。要評估接收器和發送功能,需要DPGI / O.要僅評估傳輸能力,可以使用DPG2或DPGI / O.
2019-07-23 08:54:36
2023-12-20 07:28:01
在我使用AD9963-EBZ開發板通過USB連接線與PC進行連接后,DPG Downloader軟件中顯示“No Device Found”,這是什么原因?
而在AD9963-SPI軟件中已經可以通過USB連接線對AD9963進行配置了,且我的操作步驟是嚴格按照start guide進行的。謝謝。
2023-12-14 06:34:30
2018-08-31 11:00:49
2019-01-18 16:50:13
AD9963BCPZ 10 位/12 位、低功耗、寬帶 MxFEAD9961/AD9963是引腳兼容的10位/12位低功耗MxFE ?轉換器,提供兩個采樣率為100 MSPS的ADC通道
2021-11-24 15:01:09
The ADS7883 is a 12-bit, 3-MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The device includes a capacitor
2008-08-19 22:48:11
16 The MAX1211 is a 3.3V, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) featuring a fully differential
2008-10-09 14:58:08
8 It contains a 12-bit shift register and 12 output drivers. Display data is serially written into the internal 12-bit shift register on the rising
2008-10-28 13:36:11
9 The ADS7844 is an 8-channel, 12-bit sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC
2008-12-18 15:21:40
19 The ADS801 is a low power, monolithic 12-bit, 25MHzanalog-to-digital converter utilizing a small
2008-12-18 20:23:30
18 The ADS7841 is a 4-channel, 12-bit sampling analogto-digital converter (ADC) with a synchronous
2008-12-19 19:18:16
65 The ADS1286 is a 12-bit, 20kHz analog-to-digitalconverter with a differential input and sample
2008-12-19 19:20:12
35 The AD574A is a complete 12-bit successive-approximationanalog-to-digital converter with 3-state
2008-12-21 15:37:11
50 and 12-bit output.With over 69dB of spurious free dynamic range and worstcase frequency resolution of 0.009Hz, the NCO12 provide
2009-01-06 16:27:00
8 The HI5800 is a monolithic, 12-bit, sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter fabricated in the HBC10
2009-01-08 18:28:22
16 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A ConverterThe ISL76161 is a 12-bit, 130MSPS (Mega-Samples
2009-01-18 22:20:13
15 The ADuC814 is a fully integrated 247 kSPS, 12-bit data acquisitionsystem incorporating a high
2009-09-04 09:53:40
17 The AD73291 is an 8-channel, 12-bit plus sign successiveapproximation ADC designed on the iCMOS
2009-09-09 08:16:05
10 Layout Tips for 12-Bit A/D Converter Application:This Application Note originally started
2009-09-18 09:29:31
0 The AD5516 is a 16-channel, 12-bit voltage-output DAC. Theselected DAC register is written to via
2009-09-21 08:58:34
11 self-calibrating (correctinglinearity and zero errors) 13-bit (12-bit + sign) analogto-digital converter (ADC) and sample-and-hol
2009-10-12 08:08:52
10 The AD6652 is a mixed-signal IF to baseband receiver consisting of dual 12-bit 65 MSPS ADCs
2009-10-24 11:29:08
44 AD9961/AD9963是引腳兼容的10/12位低功耗MxFE?轉換器,提供兩個采樣速率為100 MSPS的ADC通道和兩個采樣速率為170 MSPS的DAC通道。這些轉換器針對要求低功耗和低成本
2023-02-16 11:53:27
AD9961/AD9963是引腳兼容的10/12位低功耗MxFE?轉換器,提供兩個采樣速率為100 MSPS的ADC通道和兩個采樣速率為170 MSPS的DAC通道。這些轉換器針對要求低功耗和低成本
2023-02-16 11:57:49
The AD7298 is a 12-bit, high speed, low power, 8-channel, successive approximation ADC
2009-12-07 15:52:36
19 The AD7170 is a very low power 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It contains a precision
2009-12-07 16:18:39
29 10-/12-Bit ADCs in 6-Lead SC70GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD7910/AD7920 are, respectively, 10-bit
2010-04-07 10:14:53
15 The TLV2553 is a 12-bit switched-capacitor successive-approximation analog-to-digital converter
2010-06-04 15:32:02
22 The TLV2543C and TLV2543I are 12-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation
2010-06-04 16:40:25
46 The THS1209 is a CMOS, low-power, 12-bit, 8 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The speed
2010-06-05 17:17:33
18 The THS12082 is a CMOS, low-power, 12-bit, 8 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The speed
2010-06-05 17:42:39
31 The THS1207 is a CMOS, low-power, 12-bit, 6 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The speed
2010-06-05 17:51:06
25 The THS1206 is a CMOS, low-power, 12-bit, 6 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The speed
2010-06-05 17:54:08
27 The ADS8512 is a complete low-power, single 5-V supply, 12-bit sampling analog-to-digital
2010-06-06 14:32:57
17 The ADS802 is a low-power, monolithic 12-bit, 10MHz Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter utilizing
2010-06-06 14:55:47
20 The ADS800 is a low power, monolithic 12-bit, 40MHz Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter utilizing
2010-06-06 14:58:21
16 The ADS7882 is a 12-bit 3-MSPS A-to-D converter with 2.5-V internal reference. The device includes
2010-06-06 15:04:28
27 The DAC5578, DAC6578, and DAC7578 are low-power, voltage-output, eight-channel, 8-/10-/12-bit
2010-06-07 15:12:12
56 The TLV5613 is a 12-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a 8-bit
2010-06-08 10:24:18
25 The THS5661A is a 12-bit resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC) specifically optimized
2010-06-08 10:37:53
30 The DAC7728 is a low-power, octal, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). With a 5V reference
2010-06-08 10:57:41
12 The DAC7716 is a high-accuracy, quad-channel, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC
2010-06-08 11:03:10
9 DESCRIPTIONThe DAC7624 and DAC7625 are 12-bit quad voltageoutput digital-to-analog converters
2010-06-08 11:11:48
19 DESCRIPTIONThe DAC7621 is a 12-bit digital-to-analog converter(DAC) with guaranteed 12-bit
2010-06-08 11:14:05
37 DESCRIPTIONThe DAC7613 is a 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter with guaranteed
2010-06-08 11:28:23
22 The DAC7558 is a 12-bit, octal-channel, voltage output DAC with exceptional linearity
2010-06-08 11:42:16
28 The DAC7553 is a 12-bit, dual-channel, voltage-output DAC with exceptional linearity
2010-06-08 11:46:33
21 The DAC5662A is a monolithic, dual-channel 12-bit high-speed digital-to-analog converter (DAC
2010-06-08 11:58:59
This 12-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latch is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-VCC operation.
2010-07-30 16:53:43
This 12-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latch is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-07-30 16:57:17
13 AD9961BCPZAD9961BCPZ 特性雙通道10位/12位、100 MSPS ADCSNR = 67 dB, fIN = 30.1 MHz雙通道10位/12位、170 MSPS DACACLR = 74 dBc5 個輔助模擬輸入/輸出通道低功耗:
2024-02-28 20:18:35
AD9963BCPZ 特性雙通道10位/12位、100 MSPS ADCSNR = 67 dB, fIN = 30.1 MHz雙通道10位/12位、170 MSPS DACACLR = 74 dBc5 個輔助模擬輸入/輸出通道低功耗:
2024-02-28 20:19:33
This 12-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchanger is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-08-21 16:12:40
20 This 12-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchanger is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-08-21 16:14:09
25 This 12-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchanger is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-08-21 16:16:20
25 This 12-bit to 24-bit bus exchanger is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-08-21 16:18:04
30 This 12-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchanger is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.
2010-08-21 16:32:42
33 12-Bit Thermometer Using an 8-Bit μC and Assembler
This application note explains how to implement
2009-03-31 22:25:39
to automatically control the conversion the MAX190 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The delay between conversions can be program
2009-04-16 17:40:40
This application note explains how to implement a 12-bit digital thermometer using a low-cost
2009-04-17 10:18:35
AD7170: 12-Bit Low Power Σ−Δ ADC
The AD7170 is a very low power 12-bit
2009-12-01 16:20:39
market. The AD9863 integrates dual 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADC) and dual 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (TxDAC?)。
2017-09-26 10:48:28
16 The AD7273/AD7274 are 10-/12-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation ADCs
2017-09-29 15:49:55
6 The AD7441/AD74511 are, respectively, 10-/12-bit high speed, low power, single-supply, successive
2017-09-30 08:52:38
18 The AD5301/AD5311/AD53211 are single 8-/10-/12-bit, buffered, voltage-output DACs that operate from a single 2.5 V to 5.5 V supply, consuming 120 μA at 3 V.
2017-10-12 13:58:00
12 The AD5304/AD5314/AD53241 are quad 8-, 10-, and 12-bit buffered voltage output DACs in 10-lead MSOP
2017-10-12 14:06:09
6 The AD5424/AD5433/AD54451 are CMOS 8-, 10-, and 12-bit current output digital-to-analog converters
2017-10-12 16:52:13
17 The AD5426/AD5432/AD54431 are CMOS 8-, 10-, and 12-bit current output digital-to-analog converters
2017-10-12 16:56:23
11 The AD5428/AD5440/AD54471 are CMOS, 8-, 10-, and 12-bit, dual-channel, current output digital-to-analog converters (DACs), respectively.
2017-10-13 09:39:36
8 The AD5429/AD5439/AD54491 are CMOS, 8-, 10-, and 12-bit, dual-channel, current output digital-to-analog converters (DAC), respectively.
2017-10-13 09:42:29
3 該文檔是AD9961/AD9963(低功耗MxFE?轉換器)中文資料用戶手冊,AD9961/AD9963的應用特征、功率參數、應用范圍和基本電路。還包括AD9961/AD9963應用電路圖和引腳配置圖,是最全的AD9961/AD9963中文資料,歡迎大家免費下載。
2017-10-28 13:57:56
11 電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ti)AD9963相關產品參數、數據手冊,更有AD9963的引腳圖、接線圖、封裝手冊、中文資料、英文資料,AD9963真值表,AD9963管腳等資料,希望可以幫助到廣大的電子工程師們。
2019-02-22 15:06:34

AD9209: Quad, 12-Bit, 4 GSPS RF ADC Preliminary Data Sheet
2021-01-27 21:53:23
0 AD9704/AD9705/AD9706/AD9707: 8-/10-/12-/14-Bit, 175 MSPS TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converters Data Sheet
2021-01-27 23:09:28
0 LTC2311-12: 12-Bit + Sign, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range Data Sheet
2021-01-28 00:43:33
0 AD7938-6: 8-Channel, 625 kSPS, 12-Bit Parallel ADCs with a Sequencer Data Sheet
2021-01-28 11:03:13
1 AD9228: Quad, 12-Bit, 40/65 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter Data Sheet
2021-01-28 14:17:25
10 AD7938/AD7939: 8-Channel, 1.5 MSPS, 12-Bit and 10-Bit Parallel ADCs with a Sequencer Data Sheet
2021-01-28 14:50:28
1 LTC2666: Octal 16-Bit/12-Bit ±10V VOUT SoftSpan DACs with 10ppm/°C Max Reference Data Sheet
2021-03-10 14:03:39
9 AD961/AD963:10/12位,低功率,廣播樂隊Mxfe數據Sheet
2021-04-15 21:25:28
28 AD9005B:12-BIT,10MSPS A/D Convoluter數據Sheet
2021-04-30 16:43:00
14 AD9863 12位混合信號前端(MxFE?)寬帶應用基帶收發器產品手冊
2021-05-09 09:25:55
3 2023年9月26日,鼎陽科技發布兩款高分辨率示波器,分別是SDS3000X HD以及新款SDS1000X HD。一直以來,鼎陽科技的12-bit高分辨率示波器憑借其4096級量化等級,波形還原
2023-09-27 09:57:40
498 電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)AD9088: 阿波羅MxFE Octal, 16Bit, 16PSS RF DAC和Octal, 12Bit, 8 PSS RF ADC初步數據表相關產品參數
2023-10-09 18:45:25

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)AD7927: 8-Channel, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit ADC with Sequencer in 20-Lead TSSOP Data
2023-10-12 18:50:13

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)AD9082: MxFE? Quad, 16-Bit, 12 GSPS RF DAC and Dual, 12-Bit, 6 GSPS RF ADC Data
2023-10-17 18:35:16
