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電子發燒友網>電源/新能源>電源設計應用>Understand Thermal Derating As

Understand Thermal Derating As


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Clarity 3D Solver 與 Celsius Thermal Solver的算法解密

對于以IC為中心的方法,Celsius Thermal Solver 不僅解決了顯而易見的問題,還解決了 3D IC、裸片到裸片鍵合和硅通孔 (TSV) 問題,在裸片上提供了溫度和功率圖,并同時考慮了所有這些的復雜性。
2020-11-10 16:33:302146

Thermal EMMI(InSb)可以偵測哪些呢?

(stacked die)失效點的深度預估Thermal EMMI 不需開蓋(Decap),亦可照出亮點,從相對位置中輕松判定是芯片本身(Die),還是封裝問題。甚至對于體積較大的PCB線路短路問題,都可偵測到失效點。上海宜特實驗室提供
2019-11-19 11:35:54

Thermal EMMI熱點測試

Thermal EMMI (InSb)Thermal EMMI是利用InSb材質的偵測器,接收故障點通電后產生的熱輻射分布,藉此定位故障點(熱點、亮點Hot Spot)位置,同時利用故障點熱輻射傳導
2018-09-12 09:24:37

thermal noise的使用

請問各位,在軟件里,thermal noise參數怎么設置?用什么能測試出來噪聲的波形?
2013-09-22 14:52:31

Advanced Thermal可同時測量溫度和氣流的ISD板

傳熱及機械封裝公司Advanced Thermal推出可同時測量兩個獨立傳感器的氣流溫度和速度的ISD板。該板的傳感器精密,氣流速度精度可達0.3m/s至50m/s,適合低氣流(自然對流)和強氣流
2018-10-24 11:43:19

F28335的封裝有個框叫thermal pad它的作用是什么?

F28335的封裝有個框叫thermal pad 它的作用是什么?可以不畫嗎?如果畫,在PCB上面是如何出現的?有沒有圖片可以看一下嗎?
2020-06-01 06:36:29


我正在開發一個基于 IMX8MP 板的項目,該板具有 Linux 5.10.72,當我嘗試讀取 thermal_zone0 溫度時,出現以下錯誤 #cat /sys/devices/virtual
2023-05-25 07:18:12

MMIC熱阻,MMIC Thermal Resistance

MMIC熱阻Thermal resistance (qJC) values are supplied with eachMMIC in the Microwave
2009-06-13 00:04:49


MSOP8 - Thermal Resistance and Derating Information - Zetex Semiconductors
2022-11-04 17:22:44

QFP PZP封裝的thermal pad上有49個過孔,一定要這么多嗎?

第一次使用TMS320F28377S,有兩個問題請教:1、QFP PZP封裝的thermal pad上有49個過孔,一定要這么多嗎?可不可以刪掉一些?2、如果不能刪掉,能不能把這些過孔改成盲孔,只通到內電層,不要通孔?謝謝了,先。
2020-07-23 10:21:52

RK3399 Thermal是如何控制系統溫度的

Thermal是什么?有何配置?法?RK3399 Thermal是如何控制系統溫度的?
2022-03-08 06:20:02

RK3399瑞芯微嵌入式開發板thermal_zone 配置方法

模塊、Camera(1300萬、500萬)等應用類功能模塊。thermal-zones {soc_thermal: soc-thermal {polling-delay-passive = &
2017-12-05 15:15:33


SM8 - Thermal Resistance and Derating Information - Zetex Semiconductors
2022-11-04 17:22:44


SOT23 - Thermal Resistance and Derating Information - Zetex Semiconductors
2022-11-04 17:22:44

Scientific Toolworks Understand有用過沒

不知論壇里的大佬們有用過Scientific Toolworks Understand的沒?
2014-12-11 10:23:28

allegro中作貼片封裝到底要不要Thermal Relief pad和Anti Pad

allegro中作貼片封裝到底要不要Thermal Relief pad和Anti Pad,網上有的說要,有的說不要,個人認為不需要,大牛們給個意見??!
2013-03-09 16:00:35

allegro中作貼片封裝到底要不要Thermal Relief pad和Anti Pad

allegro中作貼片封裝到底要不要Thermal Relief pad和Anti Pad,網上有的說要,有的說不要,個人認為不需要,大牛們給個意見?。?/div>
2013-03-09 16:02:39

如何對Android7.1 RK3288 Thermal進行控制呢

如何對Android7.1 RK3288 Thermal進行控制呢?
2022-03-04 06:29:29

瑞芯微RK3399嵌入式開發板thermal_zone 配置方法

%。thermal_zone 配置以 RK3399 的配置為例thermal-zones {soc_thermal: soc-thermal {polling-delay-passive = &lt
2017-09-05 17:21:16

請問ADS1258采用正負2.5V供電時exposed thermal pad是否一定要接AVSS?

你好,ads1258采用正負2.5V供電時,exposed thermal pad是否一定要接AVSS?我的ads1258的封裝為QFP的。另外在差分模式下,AINCOM如何接,接地嗎?
2019-05-21 14:08:56


我現在在用DRV8432做步進電機驅動,在數據手冊中有THERMAL PAD這個引腳的描述,也就是新片底面的散熱盤,這個PAD要如何處理,可以直接接到GND或者AGND嗎,數據手冊里面沒有找相應的說明。
2019-03-06 07:12:10

請問TPS51200的θJC(Junction to Case(Top)thermal resistance)的值是多少?

Datasheet里有以下參數:Junction to thermal pad resistance θJP is 10.24°C/W.Junction to ambient thermal
2019-04-15 14:17:52

8-Lead LLP Thermal Performance

8-Lead LLP Thermal Performance and Design GuidelinesIntroductionThe new leadless leadframe package
2009-01-13 18:25:4520

Thermal Considerations:ASSURIN

As the modular DC-DC converter industry realizes greater power densities, proper thermal management
2009-02-07 10:20:0614

Cyclone Series Device Thermal

Thermal resistance values for Cyclone III devices are provided for a boardmeeting JEDEC
2009-03-28 14:42:2037

Thermal considerations for adv

Thermal characteristics of integrated circuitpackages have been and increasingly will bea major
2009-03-30 00:18:1727

HFAN-08.1: Thermal Considerati

Abstract: This application note will give a brief introduction to thermal theory and general layout
2009-04-21 11:51:0818

Introduction of Thermal

Thermal energy transport: cause by temperature difference, high T -> low T ConductionHeat
2009-07-04 15:12:5413

Thermal Management - English (

Thermal Management - English (1st edition):Using multichannel temperature sensorsto save space
2009-09-02 11:48:3610

Integrated EMI Thermal Design

This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply
2009-10-17 11:44:3420

LM92,datasheet,pdf(Thermal Win

The LM92 is a digital temperature sensor and thermal windowcomparator with an I2C™ Serial Bus
2009-10-22 09:33:5219

Thermal Characterization of Pa

Thermal Characterization of Packaged Semiconductor Devices:With the continuing industry trends
2009-11-29 17:16:0122

Thermal Considerations

Thermal Considerations:Thermal management is an important part of the system design process.
2009-11-29 17:16:4013


THERMAL DESIGN OF POWER MOSFETS OPERATING IN PARALLEL The objective of this paper is the thermal
2009-11-29 17:17:1325

Thermal transient characteriza

Thermal transient characterization methodology for single-die and stacked structures:High-power
2009-11-29 17:18:5016


2010-03-04 09:32:3929

LDO Thermal Calculations

LDO Thermal Calculations AgendaR26; Thermal parameters standards terminology and definitionsR26; Suitable packages for g
2010-04-16 10:59:3326

Thermal Management Handbook

Thermal Ma
2010-05-06 17:58:1117

LDO Thermal Calculations

AgendaR26; Thermal parameters standards terminology and definitionsR26; Suitable packages for good
2010-07-30 09:39:1514


POWERPCB中thermal及antipad的設置 Thermal Pad:這是為了減少散熱把元件PAD 和大塊銅皮以花焊盤的形式連接。(順便說說我對這個東西的了解,如果只從信號角度來講
2009-04-15 00:21:012332

How Quantization and Thermal N

of quantization and thermal noise, parameters which can significantly affect the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-noise plus distortion
2009-04-16 16:58:51360

Two common thermal-resistance

Abstract: Two common thermal-resistance values measured for IC packages are junction to ambient
2009-04-17 10:51:03999

Thermal Switches Provide Circu

Abstract: A pair of temperature switches control a thermal disconnect circuit for system
2009-04-17 11:34:17906

Thermal Protection in Low-Cost

Thermal Pr
2009-04-18 10:35:541248

Package Thermal Resistance Val

Abstract: Two common thermal-resistance values measured for IC packages are junction to ambient
2009-04-24 13:52:131781

How Quantization and Thermal N

of quantization and thermal noise, parameters which can significantly affect the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-noise plus distortion
2009-05-01 10:53:22367

Add Thermal Monitoring to Redu

Add Thermal Monitoring to Reduce Data Center Energy Consumption Abstract: Precise and adaptable
2009-05-29 11:01:30672

TV audio amplifiers—thermal te

TV audio amplifiers—thermal test considerations for slim systems Abstract: The thermal evaluation
2010-03-03 17:44:072165


On completion of this course, attendees should: Understand the basics of IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee
2011-10-09 17:47:3344

PADS Thermal Pad和Anti pad的詳細說明

PADS Thermal Pad和Anti pad的詳細說明,另外有關于過孔的電容電感值的詳細計算,是PCB LAYOUT的一份好的資料
2015-11-23 11:12:050

8-Lead LLP Thermal Performance a

8-Lead LLP Thermal Performance and Design Guideleines
2017-03-24 16:24:091

ADSP-21562/63/65 Compact Thermal Model

ADSP-21562/63/65 Compact Thermal Model
2021-01-29 16:13:348

ADSP-21566/67/69 Compact Thermal Model

ADSP-21566/67/69 Compact Thermal Model
2021-01-29 16:15:348

FLIR Thermal Studio專業紅外分析和報告軟件

,如FLIR專屬MSX技術,有助于熱像師立即確定問題的準確位置。然而,即使是經驗最豐富的檢測者也常常需要事后調整圖像。 在FLIR Thermal Studio Suite中適當調節電平和跨度有助于突出顯示發生
2021-05-23 10:25:325643

電子電路仿真基礎:熱模型(Thermal Model)

SPICE模型中還包括用來進行熱仿真的“熱模型(Thermal Model)”和“熱動態模型(Thermal Dynamic Model)”。首先介紹一下熱模型。希望通過以下的介紹能夠大致了解熱模型。
2023-02-14 09:26:292080

電子電路仿真基礎:什么是熱動態模型(Thermal Dynamic Model)

上一篇文章中,簡單介紹了SPICE模型中的熱模型(Thermal Model),它是用來進行熱仿真的SPICE模型之一。本文將簡單介紹另一個熱仿真用的SPICE模型,即熱動態模型(Thermal Dynamic Model)。
2023-02-14 09:26:29885


thermal core:thermal主要的程序,驅動初始化程序,維系thermal zone、governor、cooling device三者的關系。
2023-03-13 17:09:191412

RJE0618JSP 數據表(–60V, –10A, P Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJE0618JSP 數據表 (–60V, –10A, P Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-03-15 20:08:460

RJF0609JSP 數據表(60V-1.5V SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0609JSP 數據表 (60V - 1.5V Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-03-24 19:25:460

RJF0410JPE 數據表(40V-40A -NChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0410JPE 數據表 (40V - 40A - N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-03-29 18:50:370

RJF0612JPE 數據表(60V-50A -NChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching )

RJF0612JPE 數據表 (60V - 50A - N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching )
2023-03-30 19:21:150

RJF0618JPE 數據表(60V-40A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0618JPE 數據表 (60V-40A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-30 19:47:150

RJF0614DSP 數據表(60V, 1.5ANChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0614DSP 數據表 (60V, 1.5A N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-30 19:58:560

RJF0604JPD 數據表(60V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0604JPD 數據表 (60V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-30 20:06:140

RJF0604DPD 數據表(60V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0604DPD 數據表 (60V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-30 20:06:310

RJE0617JSP 數據表(-60V, -1.5A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0617JSP 數據表 (-60V, -1.5A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-31 18:44:570

RJF0619JPD 數據表(60V, 30A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0619JPD 數據表 (60V, 30A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-03-31 18:48:400

RJF0408JPD 數據表(40V, 30A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0408JPD 數據表 (40V, 30A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-05-15 18:37:280

RJF0409JSP 數據表(40V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0409JSP 數據表 (40V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-05-15 18:37:400

RJF0411JPD 數據表(40V, 34A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0411JPD 數據表 (40V, 34A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-05-15 18:56:480

RJF0614JSP 數據表(60V, 1.5ANChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0614JSP 數據表 (60V, 1.5A N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-05-15 18:59:160

RJE0620JPD 數據表(-60V, -10A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0620JPD 數據表 (-60V, -10A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-05-15 20:18:090

RJE0615JSP 數據表(-60 V, -10A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0615JSP 數據表 (-60 V, -10A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-05-15 20:19:350

RJE0616JSP 數據表(-60V, -4A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0616JSP 數據表 (-60V, -4A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-05-15 20:19:510


平時在開發嵌入式程序的時候大多數使用的都是keil軟件,一般小的工程使用keil沒感覺到有什么問題,但是當工程比較大的時候,比如移植了FreeRTOS系統或者LWIP網絡系統時,代碼全部編譯一次就要花費很長時間,特別是開啟了點擊函數右鍵跳轉的功能之后,速度更加慢。有時候只是為了查看一下代碼,為了能夠使用函數跳轉功能,就不得不把工程全部編譯一遍。 ??為了提高開發效率,一般查看代碼的時候會使用vscode 和 source insight 這類軟件,但是vsco
2023-06-22 09:18:002387

RJE0618JSP 數據表(–60V, –10A, P Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJE0618JSP 數據表 (–60V, –10A, P Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-06 19:18:490

RJF0609JSP 數據表(60V-1.5V SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0609JSP 數據表 (60V - 1.5V Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 18:42:200

RJF0410JPE 數據表(40V-40A -NChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0410JPE 數據表 (40V - 40A - N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 19:15:350

RJF0408JPD 數據表(40V, 30A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0408JPD 數據表 (40V, 30A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 19:47:590

RJF0409JSP 數據表(40V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0409JSP 數據表 (40V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 19:48:120

RJF0411JPD 數據表(40V, 34A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0411JPD 數據表 (40V, 34A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 20:07:270

RJF0614JSP 數據表(60V, 1.5ANChannel Thermal FET Power Switching)

RJF0614JSP 數據表 (60V, 1.5A N Channel Thermal FET Power Switching)
2023-07-11 20:09:450

RJE0620JPD 數據表(-60V, -10A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0620JPD 數據表 (-60V, -10A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-12 19:10:420

RJE0615JSP 數據表(-60 V, -10A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0615JSP 數據表 (-60 V, -10A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-12 19:12:190

RJE0616JSP 數據表(-60V, -4A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0616JSP 數據表 (-60V, -4A Silicon P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-12 19:12:360

RJF0612JPE 數據表(60V-50A -NChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching )

RJF0612JPE 數據表 (60V - 50A - N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching )
2023-07-13 18:51:260

RJF0618JPE 數據表(60V-40A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0618JPE 數據表 (60V-40A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:18:390

RJF0614DSP 數據表(60V, 1.5ANChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0614DSP 數據表 (60V, 1.5A N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:30:430

RJF0604JPD 數據表(60V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0604JPD 數據表 (60V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:37:390

RJF0604DPD 數據表(60V, 5A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0604DPD 數據表 (60V, 5A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:37:530

RJE0617JSP 數據表(-60V, -1.5A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJE0617JSP 數據表 (-60V, -1.5A, P Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:50:170

RJF0619JPD 數據表(60V, 30A SiliconNChannel Thermal FET / Power Switching)

RJF0619JPD 數據表 (60V, 30A Silicon N Channel Thermal FET / Power Switching)
2023-07-13 19:54:490

示波器探頭的降額曲線(Derating Curve)指標對測量結果有什么影響?

為什么電壓探頭會有降額曲線(Derating Curve)指標,它的意義是什么呢?
2023-09-08 15:45:10306


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